Stage Door: Holiday Inn, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Monday, October 10, 2016

Another revamp, but a meaningful one, is Jules Verne’s 1870 scifi classic, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Its sea creatures, submarine (the Nautilus) and nefarious Captain Nemo have been updated at the New Victory Theater.

Grad student Jules (Rick Miller) imagines himself back in time — and in his favorite story — trying to clean up the plastic-strewn sea. Plus, he’s on an adventure with Prof. Aronnax (Suzy Jane Hall), who is busy investigating a scary underwater threat.

There are kidnappings by nasty Captain Nemo (Richard Clarkin), giant squids who have to be killed and a great escape. The action is augmented by interactive tech, which ensures the audience an entertaining and thoughtful experience.

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